Identifying Parking Spaces


Requests for multiple spaces will require a list of all meter PKGS numbers (space numbers), along with the street and cardinal direction of all spaces requested.

  1. Locate and identify parking space numbers either online or at the physical meter location using the instructions below. 

  2. Take note of the specific street(s) names and cardinal direction (north, east, south, or west) of the side of the street where spaces are located. 

View spaces online

Metered and non-metered spaces within downtown and midtown may be viewed using the Online Parking Map. This link is also included on the Meter & Space Reservation application. 

If reserving multiple spaces, please list each PKGS number on the application. Each parking space has a unique number.

On the Parking Map: 

  • Click on the three-stacked squares icon in the upper left-hand corner
  • Click on the box next to "Special Parking Zones" to view all space types
  • On the map, hover the cursor over the area of interest to view the detailed information for each individual space.
  • Take note of the PKGS number. This is the number required for the application. 
Image of online map of parking space locations, with a call out box showing specific details of the metered space open_in_full

View of details of a parking space on Parking Map

Visit physical meter location

Parking space numbers may also be identified at the physical meter location. Non-metered locations do not have this capability. 

The meter screen will have a PKGS number, located at the bottom of the screen, to identify the space number.

Image of smart parking meter screen showing rate and asset number open_in_full

Look at the PKGS number at the bottom of the meter screen