Budget FAQs

What is a city budget?

One of the most important documents of any municipality is the annual city budget. It establishes how public funding will be spent and outlines the spending priorities for the future fiscal year (FY). Costs for everyday services such as trash pick-up, police patrol, fire response, water services, street repair, and recreation and parks programs are itemized in the budget.

What is the proposed budget?

The City Charter requires the City Manager to present a proposed annual budget to the City Council no less than 60 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. The Proposed Budget outlines the recommended spending plan and revenue estimates for the coming fiscal year.

What is the approved budget?

The annual operating budget is a City Council approved spending plan for use of the City’s funding sources. The plan is a ‘living’ document that guides the allocation of funds for certain purposes and is revised and adjusted throughout the year. The City Charter requires that the City Council approve a balanced budget for the following fiscal year by June 30.

What is the Capital Improvement Program (CIP)?

The CIP is a five-year plan for the funding and construction or repair of City buildings and facilities such as streets, roads, storm drains, traffic signals, parks, and community centers. The total approved CIP budget for FY2024/25 is $115.4 million. The primary sources of funding for the CIP are General Funds, Grants, Measure U and Water Fee revenue.

What is the total City budget?

The total approved FY2024/25 City budget is approximately $1.6 billion.

What is the General/Measure U (G/MU) Funds portion of the City budget?

The total approved FY2024/25 G/MU Funds budget is $847 million.

What is the General Fund?

The largest fund in the City is the General Fund. The General Fund is supported by taxes and fees and generally has no funding restrictions.

What is the Measure U Fund?

A one-cent general tax that is charged on each dollar of taxable sales of goods purchased from retailers within the City of Sacramento, and on the taxable storage, use, or consumption of goods purchased outside the City and delivered to a location within the City. This use tax was renewed and increased from 1/2 cent to one cent by vote on November 6, 2018 and took effect on April 1, 2019. Measure U was approved as a general tax and can be used for any general government purpose.

What is an Enterprise Fund?

An Enterprise Fund is a government facility or service that is self-supporting through the fees associated with operating that particular service. The City currently has six Enterprise Funds (Community Center Fund, Parking Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Storm Drainage Fund, Wastewater Fund, and Water Fund).

What are "funds" and why does the city have them?

The City receives revenues from many difference sources. Most of them have restrictions on how they can be used. For example, monies received through wastewater fees must be used to operate and maintain the City’s wastewater system. The largest fund in the City is the General Fund, which is the City’s primary funding source. The General Fund is supported by taxes and fees and generally has no restrictions on use.

What is the largest source of General/Measure U (G/MU) Funds revenue for the City?

The largest source of G/MU Funds revenue for the City is taxes. The total amount of taxes budgeted during FY2024/25 approved is $813 million. Tax revenue primarily consists of Property Tax, Measure U Transaction and Use Tax, Sales Tax, and Utility Users Tax.

How do I get a copy of the city budget?

You can get a copy of any budget document on our website.

What is the City's fiscal year?

The City's Finances operate on a fiscal year rather than a calendar year. The City’s fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30.

What is the City's sales tax rate?

Get a complete breakdown of the City's sales tax rate.

What is the total number of City employees?

The number of authorized Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions approved for FY2024/25 is 5,029.70. Some positions are required to work less than the standard number of working hours and days; therefore, the total number of positions in the City is not a whole number.

How is the budget developed?

The City’s fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. The City Charter requires the City Manager to present a proposed annual budget to the City Council by May 1 and requires that the City Council approve a balanced budget for the following fiscal year by June 30. These charter requirements drive the deadlines and timelines for the annual budget process.

How do I get involved in the budget process?

The City Council holds public hearings on the City’s Proposed Budget during May and June. To obtain a City Council agenda go to the City Clerk’s web page.

Where can I get more information on Measure U?

For a complete description of Measure U, please see The Forecast section in the FY2024/25 Budget document.

What are the responsibilities of the Budget, Policy & Strategic Planning Division of the Department of Finance?

The Budget, Policy and Strategic Planning Division of the Department of Finance is primarily responsible for the development and preparation of the City of Sacramento’s annual budget and Capital Improvement Program. In addition, staff provides analysis and recommendations regarding fiscal and operational issues to the City Manager’s Office, the City Council, Charter Offices, and City departments.