City street sweeper open_in_full

City streets swept February thru October

All streets that are public right-of-way, and have a curb and gutter, are swept by the Recycling and Solid Waste Division once a month, February thru October. This includes streets with both commercial and residential properties.

During Leaf Season, November thru January, residential streets receive leaf collection. Leaf collection service is part of the organics rate that residentail property owners pay. Commercial properties do not pay for nor recieve organics services from the City of Sacramento. 

Use the City's collection calendar or the free SacRecycle app to get a calendar for street sweeping at your address and sign up for a reminder the day before sweeping service occurs. 

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to FAQs below.

I don't see any sweeping dates for my address?

  1. Your home or building may be on a private street that is not maintained by the City. Most developments in the last 20+ years were built with private streets. You will not see a street sweeping charge on your utility bill if you are on a private street.    
  2. If you live in a duplex, triplex or fouplex, only one address is the billing address in our calendar system. Try one of the other addresses at your home or buidling to get the schedule. 
  3. If you are checking in November, December or January you won't see a sweeping date. Sweeping dates for February thru October are usually updated by January 15th of the same calendar year. 

Street sweeping charges appear monthly on my bill but you sweep only nine months a year?

The total annual cost for sweeping nine months of the year is spread over twelve months on your combined utility bill (water, waste, sewer).

Do cars have to move for street sweeping?

Ideally streets should be cleared for sweeping days. In parts of Downtown, there are City Services parking restrictions to allow sweeping and other waste removal services access to the curb. However there are no requirements that cars be off the streets for sweeping, unless there are signed parking restrictions.

What do the sweepers actually pick up?

Sweepers prevent debris from entering storm drains. They pick up loose dirt and particulates which helps maintain the City's storm drain permits. They are not designed to sweep up large litter and debris.

I don't think they have swept my street, what should I do?

Check both the online calendar and review question one in this FAQ. The calendar should show all the days your street has been, and will be swept in a calendar year. A new calendar is published every January. If you still believe your street was missed after confirming sweeping dates, sent an email, including your full street address and dates in question to

No parking 1st Monday of the month inc. holiday 8am to 12pm for city services open_in_full

Parking restrictions for City services

Parts of Downtown and Midtown Sacramento have parking restrictions for City Services. 

Weekly Restrictions are for blocks where a home receives weekly garbage and organics and bi-weekly recycling collection on a street that fronts their residence. These blocks also receive street sweeping the first week of the month, and leaf season service November through January. 

Monthly Restrictions are for blocks that do not have weekly city residential waste service but receive street sweeping service the first week of the month and leaf collection during leaf season