Project Management Services

The Community Development Department offers Project Managers to provide customer focused service for the development of projects valued at $1 million or more in the City of Sacramento. The Project Manager is the central point of contact for the customer and is responsible for leading a development project from inception to occupancy to ensure that quality service is provided. A Project Manager delivers customer value which includes but is not limited to:

  • Issue resolution
  • Reduction in process uncertainty
  • Coordination with other City departments and special interest groups
  • Enhance plan review and construction schedule predictability
  • Minimize cost as a result of project troubleshooting
  • Pre-application and pre-construction meetings

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about project management services

Can I request a Project Manager prepare a Preliminary Fee Estimate?

YES, for projects with a valuation of $1 million and over. All Preliminary Fee Estimate requests shall be forwarded to unless a Project Manager has been pre-assigned to the project. Preliminary Fee Estimates for a project valuation of $1 million or greater are $492.00 per building and take approximately 8-10 business days to complete. The fee is due prior to the release of the estimate.

Can I ask a Project Manager to coordinate a pre-submittal or pre-construction meeting?

YES, provided the project valuation is $1 million or greater and has been pre-assigned to a Project Manager. If this is your first contact with the City regarding your project, you should begin by contacting Planning to determine what land use entitlements or design review requirements may apply. Depending on project scope, a Planning pre-application meeting may be coordinated by the Planning Division. For a Building Permit pre-submittal meeting, specific questions related to building permit processes, requirements, and building code interpretation shall be provided in advance of the scheduled meeting. Projects less than $1 million can be addressed by Permit Services staff.

Can I submit a hardcopy building application and construction plans?

NO. All projects must be submitted electronically. A Project Manager assigned to your project can assist with the submittal.

Can a Project Manager establish Building Plan Review timelines?

NO. Plan Review timelines are based on project type and valuation. An Expedited Plan Review Request form can be requested and submitted with the application.

Can I submit my off-site improvement plans to a Project Manager?

NO. Off-site improvement plans shall be submitted as soon as possible to the Public Works Department.

Can I apply for a Building Permit while my project is under Planning review?

YES, provided the Planning Division approves a Concurrent Review Request. The approved request must be included with your Building Permit application documents at the time of submittal.

Can I apply for on-site civil improvements prior to submitting the full Building permit application for new construction?

NO. The on-site civil improvement plans must be included with your complete permit application plans for the new construction. After the first cycle of plan review, you may choose to apply for a Phased Permit to begin that scope of work prior to full plan approval.

How does off-site improvement work affect my building plan review process and timing?

A permit is required to perform any work within the public right-of-way (usually a sidewalk, street, alley, or easement) or to use portions of a street for exclusive purposes per the City Code.

Generally, the conditions of approval for the project will indicate if off-site improvements are necessary. Depending on the scope of work, the required off-site improvements may require a minor encroachment permit or a major encroachment permit. Your encroachment permit application should be submitted as soon as possible to prevent delays in the issuance of building permits. Projects requiring any off-site improvements must submit an Encroachment Permit to Development Engineering prior to initiation of cycle 2 review of the on-site building plans. Email for any questions regarding the Encroachment Permit process.

Additional resources

Additional project management resources


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