Tree Programs

leaves and tree branches open_in_full

Neighborhood pruning

The Neighborhood Pruning Program provides routine pre-emptive tree maintenance throughout the city on regular cycles. Work crews maintain street trees on a tree-by-tree, block-by-block basis, ensuring that all public trees are inspected and, if necessary, pruned, on a regular basis. Staff also works to ensure services are distributed equitably throughout the city.

Special pruning request

Special pruning requests to address building clearance and line-of-sight issues with signs and signals are reviewed and responded to on a case-by-case basis. If not urgent, work will be deferred until the Neighborhood Pruning Program cycles through the neighborhood. Where that is not the case, Urban Forestry staff will respond and perform the needed work.

Tree planting program

Our program's goal is to plant 1000 trees each planting season until the City reaches optimum stocking density. The annual planting season begins in October and ends in April, allowing trees to become partially established before the warm summer months. Tree species are selected based a “Right Tree-Right Place” basis. Urban Forestry personnel will strive to accommodate a property owner’s tree preference. However, the final decision will be made by staff.

Tree permits

The City of Sacramento issues tree permits for pruning and removal of City trees and private protected trees. A City arborist will evaluate each request before issuing a permit to determine if the scope of work being requested conforms to current arboricultural standards and best management practices and that the person or company doing the work is qualified to perform the work that is being requested. 


The City gathers and maintains a database of approximately 100,000 public trees in parks, cemeteries and medians. Whenever a public tree is planted, pruned, maintained or removed and replaced, the tree is surveyed and the information is updated in the City’s database. Doing this on a regular basis helps us determine the needs and condition of the urban forest and to and plan accordingly.