Office of the City Auditor

City Auditor Reports


The Office of the City Auditor conducts performance audits, research and analysis, and makes recommendations to strengthen accountability and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of City operations and programs. Additionally, the City Auditor receives allegations of improper government activity (i.e. fraud, waste, or abuse).

Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report

Highlights from the Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report


8 projects were completed.


100% of the six audit findings were accepted by the City Council.

100% of the 16 audit recommendations were agreed upon by City management.

100% of the 16 audit recommendations were accepted by the City Council.

70% of the Work Plan was completed or intiated.

100% of staff met the continuing professional education (CPE) requirements of Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards.


The Office was awarded a 2023 Distinguished Knighton Award for the Audit of the Sacramento Police Department's Evidence and Property Division - Sexual Assault Evidence Kits.


City Auditor's Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report

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