Revitalizing a Sustainable Del Paso Heights

Sustainable design assessment team (SDAT)

In January 2015, the City of Sacramento received notice that it has been selected by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for the Sustainable Design Assessment Team (SDAT) program. Started in 2005, the SDAT program is an interdisciplinary community assistance program that focuses on the principles of sustainability by bringing teams of professionals to work with community decision-makers and stakeholders to help them develop a vision and framework for a sustainable future. The SDAT program is based upon a multidisciplinary understanding of the design process, with the goal of creating more sustainable places through a process that is holistic and rich with public input.

Six components of the SDAT program

  1. Preliminary visit
  2. Three-day visit from a multidisciplinary team (June 3rd-5th, 2015).
  3. A report highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the community with regard to sustainability, along with the opportunities and obstacles to change
  4. Consultations after a three-day visit
  5. A conference call six months after delivery of the assessment report to review progress
  6. One-day follow-up visit to complete a secondary assessment, one year after the SDAT report is delivered

The focus of the Sacramento SDAT project is on revitalization of the Del Paso Heights Community. The objective is to utilize the expertise of the multidisciplinary SDAT team to assist the city and its citizens in addressing key issues facing the community through the development of an updated planning framework for neighborhoods and urban villages with a focus on achieving sustainability through good design, education, and community participation.

The Sacramento SDAT project is being overseen by a local Steering Committee, which includes elected officials, local city staff, and representatives from the architecture and design community. The City Economic Development staff is working closely with this committee to coordinate the upcoming preliminary and full team visits, which are expected to occur in February and May 2015 respectively.

The Project will invite the community to participate in the public forums and will announce the schedule in local print media and social media outlets as more details become available.

Please Read the Final Report, “Reaching New Heights in Del Paso Heights."

Anyone wishing to contribute to this initiative may email for more information.

Learn more about the AIA SDAT Program.