Nikisha's Story

Why did you come to the Financial Empowerment Center?

The FEC program has been amazing for me and my family. When I first started this program, I was on the verge of filing bankruptcy. I was not managing my money well, and I was paying enormous overdraft fees every month.

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What financial achievements have you made since coming to the FEC?

With the help of my FEC Financial Coach, my credit score has slowly increased. My Financial Coach helped me to secure a low interest CEO loan. This helped me to pay off two high interest loans. My Financial Coach worked with me to better budget my money. With her help, I was able to eliminate all the overdraft fees within 2 months. This will save my family over $1,000 a year.

Why and how has the FEC made a difference in your financial future and overall life? What has working with a Financial Coach done to help you, your family, etc.? What would you say to a friend or family member who was curious about how the FEC could help them?

I have learned how to better budget my money and really make my money work for me. I now have money to put into savings each month. I also have extra money that I am no longer giving to high interest predatory lenders. I would recommend the FEC to anyone who is seeking direction with their finances.

Do you plan to continue working with your Financial Coach to achieve specific goals? What goals? How can the FEC help you achieve these goals?

I plan to continue working with my coach for as long as I can. The information she has provided has been valuable and has educated me and empowered me to make better decisions about how I manage my money. I feel so much more confident, and I have eliminated most of my financial stress.