Brian's Story

Why did you come to the Financial Empowerment Center (FEC)?

I needed to improve my credit score as well as how I manage my money. I needed to budget and lower my credit/debt. Overall, my goal was to have financial stability.

What financial achievements have you made since coming to the FEC?

The financial achievements I’ve accomplished are clearing my credit debt of $1,800, creating budgets that fit my needs and wants, and improving my credit score.

Why and how has the FEC made a difference in your financial future and overall life? What has working with a Financial Coach done to help you, your family, etc.? What would you say to a friend or family member who was curious about how the FEC could help them?

Working with the FEC improved my life overall because my coach encouraged me to eliminate financial burdens to get my life back on track for more opportunities. What I would say to others who are curious about the FEC is that it is a support system that works with you.

Do you plan to continue working with your financial coach to achieve specific goals? What goals? How can the FEC help you achieve these goals?

I do plan to continue working with my financial coach to achieve financial goals. My goals include budgeting for college and other financial needs. The FEC could assist me with achieving these goals by helping me adjust my spending through budgeting.