Urban Forest Plan

Draft Sacramento Urban Forest Plan (SUFP) available now! Public comment accepted until June 21, 2024.

Draft Urban Forest Plan open for public comments!

Learn more about the draft SUFP and how to comment through the self-guided workshop

How do I participate?

We want to hear from you! We are asking everyone to read the draft Sacramento Urban Forest Plan (SUFP) and tell us what you think. Share your thoughts on why trees are important and how we can make the SUFP stronger to support the vision of Sacramento as a healthy, vibrant, City of Trees in every neighborhood.

Use the information below to comment through the self-guided workshop, find an upcoming meeting or event to discuss the SUFP with the project team, and join the mailing list to receive email updates.

Why plan for trees?

The City of Sacramento has a long-standing reputation as the City of Trees. The city’s urban forest provides many benefits to the city and its residents; however, the long-term health and success of the urban forest requires ongoing and intentional management and action.

The SUFP is the City’s primary planning tool for the protection, expansion, maintenance, sustainability, and enhancement of Sacramento’s urban forest. The SUFP will include:

  • Vision for the urban forest
  • Assessments of the current status of the urban forest
  • Policy and program framework including goals, objectives, and actions based on the information and needs identified through the assessments
  • Implementation strategy with timelines and assigned responsibilities
Image looking down the center of K Street with street trees on both sides open_in_full

Project background

The SUFP development process has included an analysis of the current urban forest, community and partner collaboration, and staff coordination to align urban forest goals across multiple City planning efforts.

Analysis of the current urban forest:

Community engagement, including the formation of Partner Advisory Committee (formerly the Stakeholder Representative Group), pop-up workshops at community events, and survey:

Alignment with City planning efforts:

Project timeline

  • Fall 2023: Staff finalize administrative draft.
  • Winter 2023: Partner advisory committee review and feedback. Staff finalize public review draft.
  • Spring 2024: Public review and comment period.
  • Summer 2024: City Council Adoption Hearing.
2017 Collect data (assess the urban forest). 2018 Listen and learn (community engagement). 2019 Develop draft plan (1st Administrative Draft). 2020-2022 Coordinate alignment (Draft release postponed to allow staff to coordinate Urban Forest Plan goals and programs across the General Plan, Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, and Parks Plan). 2023 Finalize Draft Plan (2nd Administrative Draft). 2024 Review and comment (share public Draft Plan) open_in_full

Timeline for the Sacramento Urban Forest Plan