Gabriela's Story

Why did you come to the Financial Empowerment Center?

I wanted to save money, but I did not know how to go about it. I did not have a savings account and I did not know how to create one.

What financial achievements have you made since coming to the FEC?

Since coming to the FEC, I have been able to open multiple savings accounts for myself and my children. I am happy because now I can put money away for my children’s college education, which I was unsure about how to do before. My teenage son has also opened his own checking and savings accounts! He keeps asking me questions about how to budget and work with his money, since he sees me having weekly calls with my financial coach. I also know how to make online appointments with a Spanish speaking banker, which I did not know how to do before.

Why and how has the FEC made a difference in your financial future and overall life? What has working with a Financial Coach done to help you, your family, etc.? What would you say to a friend or family member who was curious about how the FEC could help them?

Since speaking with my coach, I have felt more confident in tracking my spending and paying attention to where my money is going. I feel like I have hope. She showed me how to make an appointment using the app, how to create and stick to a budget, and to visualize my goals. She has helped my family focus on our finances and understand how money is tracked in the U.S. My coach is very kind and sweet and I am happy that she is helping me and my family for a bright future. I tell my friends about her and the good information and support she offers. I am very happy with the FEC.

Do you plan to continue working with your Financial Coach to achieve specific goals? What goals? How can the FEC help you achieve these goals?

My goal is to save for my retirement, and to have a college fund for my children. I would also like to eventually buy a house and I know I need good credit for that. Little by little we are making progress. I look forward to eventually reaching these goals with her help.