Sociable City Assessment

people in dimly lit night club dancing open_in_full

The nighttime economy team recently completed an assessment of Sacramento's nightlife economy. The assessment is an in-depth analysis of Sacramento's social economy, identifying strengths, challenges, and opportunities. The Office of Nighttime Economy uses its findings and recommendations to identify priorities to develop and implement a strategic plan for a safe, vibrant, well-managed social economy.

On Nov. 29, 2023, the Sacramento Sociable City Summit was held to gather community stakeholders who were integral in providing information that helped inform the assessment, review the report findings, and discuss the next steps toward plan implementation.

Summit highlights include:

  • It marked the 27th meeting, the 17th on-site, to identify strengths, challenges, and action change.
  • 35 community members participated from a cross-section, including local business ownership and management, PBIDs, law enforcement, economic development, transportation, code compliance, and more.