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What is 311?

3-1-1 is an easy-to-remember phone number that residents, businesses and visitors can use to request service, report problems or get information from local government. Sacramento City 311 is your resource for connecting with the City of Sacramento. We handle requests for building permits, stray animals, utilities services, and much more - 311 Call Center is ready to help! Our customer service agents undergo extensive training to ensure each caller gets a courteous, quick and accurate response. 311 provides a single point of contact for City of Sacramento government services.

Why 311?

The City of Sacramento’s 311 Customer Service is part of an ongoing effort to make access to City government easier and more responsive to the needs of residents, businesses and visitors. Now there is no need to search the phone directory for the right City department - let us take care of that for you. 311 provides a single point of contact for the City of Sacramento’s government services.

How does 311 work?

A courteous 311 customer service agent will assist you in finding the appropriate government service you need. If you need information, we will either provide it directly or connect you to the appropriate department for your answer. If you need a service, we will automatically route a work request to the proper department for a City crew to respond.

Who can call 311?

City of Sacramento residents, businesses or tourists wishing to get non-emergency information or request services pertaining to the City of Sacramento government may call.

When can I call 311?

The 311 Customer Service Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Just dial 3-1-1 or if you’re outside the City limits call (916) 808-5011.

Can I call 311 from my cell phone?

Yes. If for some reason you cannot get through on your cell phone, you may call 916-808-5011.

Can I use my smart phone or mobile device?

The City of Sacramento’s 311 Customer Service portal offers full mobile support. You can also download the Sac311 Mobile App from Google play and the App Store.

When should I call 911 instead of 311?

311 is the number to call when you need help with City services that are not a fire or police issue. 911 is the number to call for emergencies such as crime in progress, house fires, or medical emergencies requiring an immediate response by police, fire crews or an ambulance.

Will a 311 agent be able to respond in multiple languages?

Yes, using a third-party translation service, 311 Customer Service Agents can respond in over 150 languages and dialects.

Will a 311 agent be able to respond to calls from hearing impaired individuals?

Yes, TDD/TTY callers can dial 311 and press 0 to connect with one of our 311 Customer Service Agents.

What happens after I call 311?

You will be assisted by a qualified member of our team to help resolve your issue. Upon completion of your call, you will be issued a service request number for tracking purposes. City departments will respond to all 311 service requests in the order in which they are received. Your request will be logged into an advanced tracking system that will show city leadership how responsive departments are in their service delivery.

Does the Sac311 Mobile App cost anything to use?

The City applications are free. Please note that in the absence of a Wi-Fi connection, the application uses your cellular network connection to submit requests. Please check with your carrier to see if you will be charged for usage.

Can I submit anonymous service requests?

You may remain anonymous when submitting your service request to 311 Customer Service. However, the City departments responsible for delivering the service(s) you are requesting may wish to contact you for follow up or to request clarification, so you may wish to leave your name and phone number. Your contact information will only be shared with the City department working on your request.

How can I track my existing service request?

You can track your case online using the Search option on the City of Sacramento’s 311 Customer Service portal. You will need to know the service request number. We encourage users to create an account as there are many benefits associated to it, such as eliminating the need to re-enter your contact information each time you submit a request and can easily track the status and view the history of your requests.

What if I did not find what I was looking for and have additional questions or feedback?

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