Our Impact S@CH

Summer @ city hall (S@CH)

The Summer @ City Hall (S@CH) program is a six-week summer program for current Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior students in high school. The program is in its 12th year with more than 700 students graduating from the program. Under the Youth Division’s Youth Civic Engagement section, this program has an underlying goal to empower students with the tools and skill set needed to impact their communities, become more civically engaged, and bring a youth voice to real city/neighborhood issues.

Important components of the program include:

  • Daily instructional classroom activities and access to the Life Skills Workshops
  • Internships w/ various city offices and community organizations
  • Completion of a Service-Learning Project
  • Receiving a paid stipend and 5 elective credits upon completion (For eligible school districts; NUSD, SCUSD and TRUSD)
  • A group presentation for Mayor and City Council and Sacramento Youth Commission based upon advocacy project, titled Project City Hall

“Presenting to the council because we need more youth voices as well as perspectives in the community since we are going to be the ones running and living in the community in the future.” – Jayla B., Junior at John F. Kennedy High School

“The voices of today’s youth are amplified through the Summer @ City Hall program and echo to shake change in the future of our city.” – Emmie L., Junior at Inderkum High School

“We each have a voice whether it is through song, writing, a different language, or speech. We each are able to express ourselves through our voices. Your age should not and does not matter if it's to speak about a problem affecting your community. Speak up for those who can’t and speak with passion and enthusiasm. Bring attention to the matter at hand and prove to council members why it is important and in need of their attention. This brings confidence to many and empowerment to others, being able to use your voice is very much a privilege we all have. Let us use our voices to help bring our opinions, perspectives, and facts before the conference table.” - Winter S., Senior at Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School