
The Department of Utilities in 2021 launched Water+, a program designed to help ensure safe, high-quality drinking water supply for customers.

The program will also help protect long-term drinking water reliability, resiliency to climate change and help meet future water demands of the City of Sacramento.

Water+ has several goals, which include:

  • Improving water treatment methods to meet changing water quality in the Sacramento and American rivers as well as changing drinking water regulations.
  • Improving the safety and reliability of the City’s surface water treatment plants -- the E.A. Fairbairn Water Treatment Plant and the Sacramento River Water Treatment Plant.
  • Providing consistent drinking water treatment and distribution to City customers.
  • Increasing water treatment supply and capacity to meet future water demands.

The program will replace and expand aging facilities, improve water treatment methods to be safer and more environmentally friendly and make overall system improvements.

Next steps: Treatment Plants Resiliency and Improvement Project

The first phase of Water+ includes the Treatment Plants Resiliency and Improvements Project, which will help improve the long-term safety, reliability and resiliency of the City’s water supply, and address several issues defined in the City’s 2035 General Plan.

The project will feature several water treatment improvements, including:

  • Replacing aging infrastructure and facilities that are reaching the end of their useful lives
  • Improvements to the treatment process at both water treatment facilities
  • A new Sacramento River water intake structure and new pipelines to the Sacramento River Water Treatment Plant
  • Improvements to water transmission and distribution systems near the Sacramento River Water Treatment Plant

The Treatment Plants Resiliency and Improvements Project is currently undergoing an environmental review process: An Environmental Impact Report Public Scoping Meeting was held on April 27, 2022.

A period for public comments closed in early May 2022 for the environmental “Notice of Preparation.”

City staff are now preparing a draft Environmental Impact Report that is expected to be released in Winter 2022.

The project will be designed and constructed in multiple phases, with the first phase of construction is expected to begin by 2024.

Future phases will be scheduled based on water demands and funding.

Contact us

For questions about Water, email WaterPlus@CityofSacramento.org or call 916-808-1873.