How the City Prepares

Construction crews on a levee open_in_full

City staff from various departments, including fire and police, have worked closely together to create tools and plans to prepare for emergencies within the City.


As the floodplain managers for the City, the Department of Utilities works closely with the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency and others to monitor and improve our levees.

Some of the tools that we use to help us and other City agencies respond to potential flooding hazards include maps, the California Data Exchange Center, and a Comprehensive Flood Management Plan.

The City also uses the Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time system, also called "ALERT."

ALERT was created by the National Weather Service to signal us about possible flooding.

It provides the Department of Utilities with continuous and automatic reports from river levels and rainfall gauges to help us detect impending high water levels.


Utilities staff work year-round to ensure that our drainage system works efficiently.

Staff inspect and monitors floodgates, maintains drainage canals and basins, and cleans the drainage system regularly.

Our staff also removes leaves and debris from gutters to ensure that water can quickly flow into the drainage system.

In an emergency, Utilities staff, along with other City staff will help to install floodgates, limit the spread of flooding, and bring water levels down quickly to help limit damage.