Setting up a Neighborhood Watch

Making Neighborhood Watch effective for you:

Neighborhood Watch will be as effective as you and your neighbors choose to make it. If you apply some effort into maintaining one, your Neighborhood Watch can be an effective deterrent to criminal activity in your area. The Neighborhood Watch signs that should be purchased and posted throughout your neighborhood may also act as a deterrent. These signs will only be as effective as your group stays active and involved! Along with the signs, the Sacramento Police Department will provide, free of cost, Neighborhood Watch window decals.

Setting up a Neighborhhod Watch group

  • Start out small and expand. 
  • Poll your neighbors to find out what days of the week (Monday through Thursday) and times are best for the majority. Pick two or three possible dates. 
  • After determining the best location, days and time, please contact the Sacramento Police Department Neighborhood Watch Coordinator at (916) 808-0813 to schedule an exact date that will work for everyone. 
  • Make sure the meeting location you have chosen will be able to accommodate everyone. 
  • After the meeting date and time has been confirmed with the Coordinator, make up a flyer, and call, or send out an e-mail to let all your neighbors about the meeting. 
  • Ask people to RSVP so you know how many to expect.

Participant Responsibilities:

  • Create a list of your neighbors’ names and contact numbers (cell, work, home). Be able to recognize them and their vehicles without any hesitation. 
  • Attend all the Neighborhood Watch meetings.
  • Keep a copy of all your Neighborhood Watch information in an easily accessible, secure place and continually update it with new information provided by your Block Captain. Properly identify all property using the Manufacturing ID# and the APP or your own system. 
  • Mark your property using your Driver License Number or ID Card Number. Do NOT use your Social Security number! Law enforcement agencies do not have access to Federal Social Security Administration data. Engrave the number on your property and then either DL or ID at the end. You can borrow an engraver from almost any city library. Or, if you are so inclined, document the serials numbers and other pertinent information in your sacpd mobile app (available in the Apple Store and Google Marketplace). Keep your list of numbers in a secure place (such as a safe or safety deposit box). Please do not send this to the police department. 
  • Implement all security measures suggested by your local police department. 
  • Learn the techniques of getting an accurate description of a suspect or a vehicle. Practice describing people and vehicles. 
  • Keep an eye on your neighbors’ homes and report any suspicious activities to the police department. 
  • Post neighborhood watch window stickers and signs.
  • When you plan to leave for any length of time, arrange to have your mail and newspapers picked up. Do not put a hold on your mail or newspaper. That only lets people know you will be gone for a certain time period! Timers should be activated for your lights. 
  • If you are leaving home for an extended period of time, notify your neighbors and the block captain you are going away so added attention can be placed on your home. 
  • Get Involved! Look out for each other! Be a good witness with written notes. Participate in your Neighborhood Watch Program and neighborhood association.

Please help the Sacramento Police Department by joining together and forming a Neighborhood Watch group in your area. Contact us at: 916-808-0813 with any additional questions.

By participating in this program, you can help the police help you recover any items that may be taken in a burglary. More importantly, you may even prevent a burglary from happening. Your eyes and ears will help the police in their everyday fight against crime!