Safely Surrender Baby

Yellow sign of the Safe Place logo on the side of a fire house open_in_full

The Safely Surrendered Baby Law, signed permanently into state law in 2006, allows parents or other persons, with lawful custody, which means anyone to whom the parent has given permission, to confidentially surrender a baby. As long as the baby is three days (72 hours) of age or younger and has not been abused or neglected, the baby may be surrendered without fear of arrest or prosecution.

The law requires the baby be taken to a public or private hospital, designated fire station or other safe surrender site. No questions will be asked. A medical questionnaire will be offered for the sole purpose of collecting medical information critical to the health and survival of the infant. All identifying information that pertains to a parent or individual who surrenders a child is strictly confidential. The medical questionnaire is a voluntary document and can be declined.

A yellow and black safe-surrender-logo-hands-holding-a-baby, on a brick wall open_in_full