Weed Abatement

Weed abatement report for a private residence

Please call 311 within city limits or (916) 264-5011. You may also file a report online through the 311 webpage.

Weed abatement

The Weed Abatement Program exists to address enforcement and safety issues and is not provided as a service. Each year, approximately 7,400 property owners are notified to keep their property clean of weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt. Property owners need to follow and meet the standards and guidelines by their own effort or by hiring a private contractor. The properties that do not comply with the standards will be subject to City enforcement and abated by a City contractor at the owner's expense.

The weed abatement standards are not a one-time observance. A property owner will likely need to have their property addressed more than once during the year in order to meet the standards. Although required throughout the year, it is extremely critical that properties be maintained during the high fire months, usually from April through October.


When do weed abatement inspections begin?

Weed Abatement notices are typically mailed out once in the spring season during the last week in February and inspections begin once fire season has been declared by the Fire Marshal.

How do I know if I’m in violation?

Parcel/s with dry weeds 12” inches or higher are in violation and subject to a penalty up to $25,000 plus all related costs of abatement and a non-refundable Sacramento Fire Department "Fire Declaration Fee" if your property is found in violation. Weed Abatement of hazard/s by the city is not a service, rather it is to address an enforcement or safety issue.

When is the deadline for weed abatement?

The deadline for mowing, disking and/or cleaning properties is April 15th. This date is used as a target date but much depends on the weather during April and May. If late spring rains occur, properties may need to be mowed or disked several times in order to comply with city standards.

Why did I receive an Initial Notice when my property is clean?

All properties that are vacant lots and fit the Weed Abatement Program criteria receive a notice. Sometimes a property is cleaned prior to you receiving the notification letter. Due to the amount of vacant lots in the city all properties may be not noticed or inspected. If you have any doubts about the status of your property, please call the Community Development Department (916) 808-2633 or email.

My neighbor’s house is vacant, possibly foreclosed and the weeds are over the fence line. Can I report the status of this property?

Yes, you can call Sacramento 311 or email although properties with structures on them are not typically sent a weed abatement notice if complaints are received they will be handled on a case by case basis by Code Enforcement. Remember, the primary condition that will be considered is whether the property poses a fire hazard and or is a nuisance.

I no longer own the property, why was I sent a Weed Abatement Notice?

At times, the records are not always up to date. The Weed Abatement Notice is sent to the last known owner on Sacramento’s County’s assessment roll. Please let the Community Development Department know immediately by calling (916) 808-2633 or by email 

For questions, contact the following:

Weed abatement on vacant lots:

(916) 808-2633, email