Creative Edge Plan

Creative Edge, Sacramento’s 7-year arts, culture and creative economy plan, was adopted by Sacramento City Council in June 2018. The goals of the plan are to:    

  1. Provide arts education to all Sacramento’s children and youth.
  2. Advance cultural equity for all Sacramento’s diverse populations.  
  3. Build upon and expand Sacramento’s unique creative economy.  
  4. Enable Sacramento artists and creatives to thrive in their work and to provide creative leadership in the community.  
  5. Celebrate and infuse all Sacramento neighborhoods and districts with arts and culture.
  6. Expand and solidify Sacramento’s investment in arts and culture

2022 update

Progress is being made. 87% of goal strategies show some activity or ongoing activity since the plan launched. The percentage of activity within each goal reflects the relative priority of various strategies within the goals. For example, within the arts education area, K-12 arts education has been prioritized over other strategies. And, within investment, one-time funding and targeted funding proposals have been prioritized due in large part to pandemic era investments in the creative economy at the local, state and federal levels.

More progress is expected in the coming months and years as programs and activities roll out because of continued creative economy investments. Ongoing evaluation of plan progress is expected as the Sacramento Arts, Culture and Creative Economy Commission and Office of Arts and Culture continue their work.

Read The Creative Edge Plan (Designed Version)