START Program Goals

  • Provide a safe and caring environment for children to learn and grow
  • Support the social and emotional development of the children in the program
  • Provide skill-building leadership opportunities through a variety of enrichment and recreation activities that allow children to experience success
  • Link the community resources through volunteerism and community support
  • Build a bridge to engage parents in their children’s education
  • Align school day and program curriculum
  • Support personal and professional growth opportunities for staff to enhance and build skills

START programs have the following activities incorporated into the daily or weekly schedule.

Homework assistance

The Sacramento START program includes an Academic component. The Academic Assistance components consist of homework assistance and skill development activities.

Skill development

Sacramento START has an array of activities that are aligned with the California State Standards and educational requirements of the ASES grant. Such activities include ETA/Cuisenaire Versa Tiles for Math and Literacy. These tiles provide a self-correcting practice system that builds students’ skills through the challenge of a puzzle and the independent practice in a workbook. After School Style Guide “Graffiti Wall” and “Global Graffiti Wall” are two additional post-homework activities that are used to build self-esteem, creative writing skills, and teamwork concepts. Learning Wrap Ups are also used once students have completed their homework. They offer a fun and unique way for students to successfully memorize math facts and vocabulary.

Educational enrichment activities

The Sacramento START program also includes an enrichment component. All enrichment curricula provided by Sacramento START aligns with the California State Standards and meet the educational requirements of the ASES grant while being designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program. All activities and curricula are provided for each grade and learning level and staff write detailed lessons and activity plans daily. Such activities include ETA/Cuisenaire WorldScapes, the Language Arts curriculum. The Nystrom Social Studies provides the children with experiences in learning about their neighborhoods, communities, state, country, and the world. Center Stage Math creates an atmosphere where the children can work individually or in small groups and are able to learn and practice age-appropriate mathematics. Center Stage Science creates a complete center-based learning environment for life, earth, and physical science disciplines. Sacramento Arts Consultancy has partnered with the START program in creating art lessons that reinforce themes that run throughout the enrichment series. Playbooks Multi-Leveled Reader’s Theater provides easy to implement dramatic scripts that do not require memorization, props or a stage making it a practical Club activity. PCS Bricklabs consist of over 5,000 construction blocks that teach exciting and hands on projects that explore Math, Science, Communication and Technology.

Recreation activities

Sacramento START also includes a recreation program that involves sports and structured physical activities. Those include basketball, flag football, tennis, volleyball, four square, KidTribe jump roping, hula-hoops, and sport stacking. Additionally, START uses the SPARK and the CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health) curriculum to provide structured physical activities and nutrition education. The skills of good sportsmanship and working together as a team player are highlighted. The SPARK program also helps to increase moderate to vigorous physical activity; fitness achievement as measured by the Fitness gram test; sport skills development in throwing, catching, and kicking; and increasing the enjoyment of physical activity.

Health & physical education

  • Cooking
  • Nutrition
  • Gardening
  • Environmental Education
  • Physical Fitness Training

Sacramento START partnerships:

START offers programs to educate the students through community partners. Some of our community partners include:

  • Robla School District
  • Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
  • United Way California Capital Region
  • Food Literacy Center
  • Roberts Family Development Center- Freedom School
  • U. C. Davis Cooperative Extension 4-H Program
  • Dairy Council of California - nutritional curricula and training
  • San Francisco Giants Community Fund – equipment/supplies for baseball program
  • California School Age Consortium (Cal SAC) - training for program staff
  • Sacramento County Office of Education - training and programmatic assistance
  • Center for Collaborative Solutions - staff training in nutrition, fitness and gardens
  • First 5 Sacramento - family literacy services and resources
  • Healthy Eating and Living (HEAL) collaborative - training and curricula support