Your Water Meter

Your utility bill provides information about how much water you use and it can help you prepare for the transition to metered rates.

Once a meter is installed, you will receive one year of billing data to compare your current and old rates.

This bill will demonstrate how your current flat rate compares to what you would have paid on a metered rate.

During this period, you are responsible for paying the flat rate only, but will be able to also see the impact metered water rates will have on your bill.

On a metered rate, you will pay a monthly service fee based on the size of your water meter and a charge for the amount of water you actually use, called the volumetric rate.

Compared to the current flat rate system, metered water bills are typically higher in the summer and lower in the winter.

When reviewed over the course of the year, the majority of households on a metered rate find that metered bills are the same as or less than flat rate bills.

Reviewing the comparison data on your utility bill each month will help you understand how much water you are using and can save by using water more efficiently.

Water meters can also help you detect leaks and stop waste.