Contribute Oral History

The City of Sacramento has partnered with Sacramento State University to interview prominent members of the African American community. After completing these interviews and discussing our oral history goals with our project partner organizations, we decided to enhance this component of the project. Below is a step-by-step outline of how you can assist with this enhanced effort by recording elders in your area and making their voices part of history.

The enhanced oral history component will gather, organize, and preserve memories of the Black Community into a living archive held by the Center for Sacramento History. This information will be available for future researchers, museums, and will become part of the historical narrative that is being produced by Page and Turnbull. All of this will not be possible without your participation.

How to participate:

Steps on how to contribute oral history

Step one: Finding an oral history subject

Identify somebody in your community who has memories or knowledge of the past that is willing to sit down and be recorded for up to one hour.

Step two: training

The City of Sacramento has produced this training video which will teach you how to prepare for and conduct an oral history interview:

Forms to bring to your interview:

NOTE: You will need to print the waiver form and bring it to your interview to have it signed by your interviewee. Alternatively, you can download the waiver and have your interviewee sign it electronically, then submit it through the submission form along with your video.

Step three: upload the recording

Use the online form below to upload your recording along with the use waiver, a photo of your interviewee, and any other photos or files they would like to contribute to the project. You must also fill out the personal information boxes and check the use waiver box for you, the interviewer, before submitting.

Upload your documents and recordings here.

The African American Experience project is being managed by city staff with assistance by students from Sacramento State University (CSUS), community partners, and a team of professional consultants. The oral history videos and any other materials uploaded will be curated by the Center for Sacramento History, where they will be made available for future researchers.

Questions? Contact city staff

Sean de Courcy, Preservation Director
916-808-2796 (office)
916-662-2626 (mobile)

Henry Feuss, Historic Preservation Planner

916-808-5880 (office)